
Impossible cities - Guadalajara. Scenography


Ephemeral / Scenography


Guadalajara, México


The development of the scenographic setting on this occasion intended to experience different moments in interior and exterior, private, public and urban spaces, under a narrative that invited visitors to explore them. The Museum (impossible) of the city as the starting point in which some of the pieces, exhibition furniture and volumetric map were revealed, dressed the building. Continuing along a walk around the city and reaching the final point at the Variety Arts Laboratory where the work was developed, accompanied by stage furniture.
On this occasion, a series of modular pieces were developed and, as the profile of the city, they differed in different dimensions and heights, causing a profile of changing topographies. The pieces were designed to occupy different spaces, the container space should not be a determining factor.
Status: Finalized Team: Luis Montoya Collaboration: Compañía opcional. Director Aristeo Mora de Anda Client: Aristeo Mora de Anda for Ministry of Culture of Jalisco State Award: Best Scenic Device Recognition, 21st State Theater Show. Jalisco, 2017